School Inner-City Asthma Intervention Study (SICAS-2)


SICAS-2 is the interventional phase of the School Inner-City Asthma Study (SICAS 1), an NIH-funded, prospective study evaluating school and classroom specific environmental risk factors and asthma morbidity in the Northeast. SICAS-2 is a randomized intervention trial to evaluate the effectiveness of two environmental interventions, one classroom-based (High Frequency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter) and the other school wide (Integrated Pest Management), to reduce asthma allergens.


  • There are four arms to the study: IPM School/Classroom Air Filter; IPM School/Classroom Sham (Placebo) Air Filter; Control School/Classroom Air Filter; Control School/Classroom Sham (Placebo) Air Filter​

  • The study is recruiting elementary students (ages 4-15) with asthma from multiple classrooms in 40 Northeastern inner-city elementary schools. Children are extensively assessed prior to the intervention/school year and then followed up at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 months after school starts

  • The study collects detailed physiological, biological, patient-reported and environmental information, much of which is unique compared to the other 2 trials


  • This provides us with the unique opportunity to explore the association of PROMIS measures with biomarkers and physiological indicators of disease activity

  • As with the CHICAGO Plan, both English and Spanish-speaking participants will be enrolled

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